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Image:Curb extension.png|thumb|700 px|This is currently a static image. I plan to map it soon. ~Jen]]
Image:Curb extension.png|thumb|700 px|This is currently a static image. I plan to map it soon. ~Jen]]
rect 545 37 609 54 [[Curb cuts]]
<area target="" alt="Curb cut" title="Curb cut" href="[[Curb cuts]]" coords="545,37,609,54" shape="rect">
rect 286 583 353 599 [[Curb cuts]]
<area target="" alt="Curb cut" title="Curb cut" href="[[Curb cuts]]" coords="286,583,353,599" shape="rect">
rect 544 56 606 114 [[Forebays]]
<area target="" alt="Forebay" title="Forebay" href="[[Forebays]]" coords="544,56,606,114" shape="rect">
rect 366 579 282 529 [[Forebays]]
<area target="" alt="Forebay" title="Forebay" href="[[Forebays]]" coords="366,579,282,529" shape="rect">
poly 378 571 486 571 602 577 599 130 504 124 493 206 390 209 371 362 [[Perennial: List]]
<area target="" alt="Perrenials" title="Perrenials" href="[[Perennial: List]]" coords="378,571,486,571,602,577,599,130,504,124,493,206,390,209,371,362" shape="poly">
poly 459 1110 363 1111 366 1030 594 1025 599 1109 496 1110 497 1092 465 1093 [[Perennial: List]]  
    <area target="" alt="Perennials" title="Perennials" href="[[Perennial: List]]" coords="459,1110,363,1111,366,1030,594,1025,599,1109,496,1110,497,1092,465,1093" shape="poly">
poly 285 469 362 472 354 335 375 203 478 191 492 74 393 109 334 159 297 224 285 291 [[Graminoids: List]]
    <area target="" alt="Grasses" title="Grasses" href="[[Graminoids: List]]" coords="285,469,362,472,354,335,375,203,478,191,492,74,393,109,334,159,297,224,285,291" shape="poly">
rect 287 1040 353 1114 [[Graminoids: List]]
    <area target="" alt="Grasses" title="Grasses" href="[[Graminoids: List]]" coords="287,1040,353,1114" shape="rect">
rect 279 1114 470 1142 [[Mulch]]
    <area target="" alt="Mulch" title="Mulch" href="[[Mulch]]" coords="279,1114,470,1142" shape="rect">
rect 492 1115 60 1141 [[Mulch]]
    <area target="" alt="Mulch" title="Mulch" href="[[Mulch]]" coords="492,1115,602,1141" shape="rect">
rect 282 1145 468 1217 [[Bioretention: Filter media]]
    <area target="" alt="Filter media" title="Filter media" href="[[Bioretention: Filter media]]" coords="282,1145,468,1217" shape="rect">
rect 491 1147 603 1217 [[Bioretention: Filter media]]
    <area target="" alt="Filter media" title="Filter media" href="[[Bioretention: Filter media]]" coords="491,1147,603,1217" shape="rect">
rect 282 1219 467 1248 [[Choking layer]]
    <area target="" alt="Choking layer" title="Choking layer" href="[[Choking layer]]" coords="282,1219,467,1248" shape="rect">
rect 491 1217 600 1244 [[Choking layer]]
    <area target="" alt="Choking layer" title="Choking layer" href="[[Choking layer]]" coords="491,1217,600,1244" shape="rect">
rect 282 1250 469 1299 [[Reservoir gravel]]
    <area target="" alt="Gravel reservoir" title="Gravel reservoir" href="[[Reservoir gravel]] " coords="282,1250,469,1299" shape="rect">
rect 491 1250 602 1299 [[Reservoir gravel]]
    <area target="" alt="Gravel reservoir" title="Gravel reservoir" href="[[Reservoir gravel]]" coords="491,1250,602,1299" shape="rect">
poly 3 1325 471 1322 474 1292 47 1096 487 1095 487 1339 3 1340 [[Overflow: Routing]]
    <area target="" alt="Overflow" title="Overflow" href="[[Overflow: Routing]]" coords="3,1325,471,1322,474,1292,471,1096,487,1095,487,1339,3,1340" shape="poly">

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