|5 - 10%||ASTM D2974-14, Standard test methods for moisture, ash and organic matter of peat and other organic soils.
|10 - 30 ppm||'Bray' is most common in Ontario. <br>Alternatives include 'Mehlich I or III', or 'Olsen'. <ref>Sawyer JE, Mallarino AP. Differentiating and Understanding the Mehlich 3, Bray, and Olsen Soil Phosphorus Tests 1. http://www.agronext.iastate.edu/soilfertility/info/mnconf11_22_99.pdf. Accessed August 1, 2017.</ref>
![[Cationic exchange capacity(CEC)]]
|10 meq/100 g||ASTM D7503-10, Standard test method for measuring the exchange complex and cation exchange capacity of inorganic fine grained soils.
![[Hydraulic conductivity]]
|> 25 mm/hr <br> <250 mm/hr||Falling head or constant head KSAT
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