Feedback post on Swales
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5 years agoSwales section - 1st line - Add 'that are' after 'installations'
1st line - Change 'move' to 'within'
2nd line - Add 'systems' after 'conveyance' and change 'promotes' to 'promote'
Overview section - 2nd sentence - Change 'underground' to 'below grade'
2nd sentence - Reword to read, '...using a combination of both designs...'
3rd Line - Add a comma between 'long' and 'linear'
3rd Line - Change 'convey' to 'conveys'
6th Line - Delete the word 'already'
6th Line - Add 'present after 'and' ('...and present a a great opportunity...')
1st bullet point - Add a comma between 'long' and 'linear'.
Planning Considerations section - 1st bullet point - change 'is' to 'of' after the word 'width'
Change the word 'have' to 'promote'.
2nd Bullet - Add a hyphen between 'cross' and 'section' (two instances).
Design section - 2nd Line - Change 'spreading' to 'spreader'
2nd Line - Add a comma between 'sedimentation' and 'which'
Is this feedback helpful?YesNo did not find what they were looking for.
5 years ago