User contributions
29 May 2020
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir footprint area where the depth is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time required to drain surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir depth where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir footprint area where the depth is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir depth where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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28 May 2020
Stormwater planters
Stormwater planters
Drainage time
Calculating infiltration practice drainage time
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir depth where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir depth where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required storage reservoir depth where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Calculate drawdown time
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Calculate drawdown time
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Calculate drawdown time
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Calculate drawdown time
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell receiving flows directly to the storage reservoir for a constrained depth
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell receiving flows directly to the storage reservoir for a constrained depth
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required depth, where the area of the facility is constrained (3D drainage)
File:Darcy drainage 20200528 locked.xlsx
Darcy drainage calculator tool, featuring updated nomenclature, that allows comparison of estimated drainage times assuming drainage in one and 3 dimensions and optimization of infiltration practice design. Should be used in tandem with the infiltrati...
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time to drain the storage reservoir
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required depth, where the area of the facility is constrained (3D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Drainage time to empty facility
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time for drainage of surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required depth, where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the require facility area or footprint where the depth is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required depth, where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the require facility area or footprint where the depth is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
To calculate the required depth, where the area of the facility is constrained (1D drainage)
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
Bioretention: Sizing and modeling
Size a bioretention cell with no underdrain for constrained ground area
27 May 2020
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time for drainage of surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time for drainage of surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time for drainage of surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time for drainage of surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
Time for infiltration of surface ponded water
Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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Infiltration: Sizing and modeling
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