Dumpster maintenance is often overlooked. As a result, many dumpsters are in poor condition. Cracks in dumpsters will leak toxic organic and inorganic materials into catchbasins and towards waterways. Opportunities for P2 include locating dumpsters on flat concrete surfaces that do not slope toward or drain into the storm drain system, installing a secondary containment system such as a berm or curb around the dumpster, and closing and securing lids properly when the dumpster is not being loaded or unloaded. | Dumpster maintenance is often overlooked. As a result, many dumpsters are in poor condition. Cracks in dumpsters will leak toxic organic and inorganic materials into catchbasins and towards waterways. Opportunities for P2 include locating dumpsters on flat concrete surfaces that do not slope toward or drain into the storm drain system, installing a secondary containment system such as a berm or curb around the dumpster, and closing and securing lids properly when the dumpster is not being loaded or unloaded. |