Recent research indicates that a conservative runoff reduction rate of 10 to 20% can be used depending on whether soils fall in [[Soil groups| hydrologic soil groups A/B or C/D,]] respectively. The runoff reduction rates can be doubled if the native soils on which the swale is located have been tilled to a depth of 300 mm and amended with compost to achieve an organic content of between 8 and 15% by weight or 30 to 40% by volume. The mai ncontributing factors that influence runoff reduction rates for swales are:
Recent research indicates that a conservative runoff reduction rate of 10 to 20% can be used depending on whether soils fall in [[Soil groups| hydrologic soil groups A/B or C/D,]] respectively. The runoff reduction rates can be doubled if the native soils on which the swale is located have been tilled to a depth of 300 mm and amended with compost to achieve an organic content of between 8 and 15% by weight or 30 to 40% by volume. The main contributing factors that influence runoff reduction rates for swales are: